Tomb (Goy Imam)
Tomb, (Goy Imam) is a medieval architectonic monument, situated on the
north of ancient Ganja (7 km away from the modern city). The inscription
on the tomb says that the tomb says that the tomb was built on the grave
of Ibrahim son of Imam Mahammad Bagir (?-739) and was reconstructed by
general-mayor Israfil bek Yadigarzadeh (1878-79).
There is a religious complex, consisting of small
mosques, rests, houses in the form of carvansaray, arches and auxiliary
buildings around the brick built tomb. A wall of stones and bricks is
erected around the complex.
The most valuable monument of the complex
is the tomb. The exact date of building is still yet unknown. According
to the architectonic structure the tomb is believed to be build at
the end of XIVth-beginning of XVth century: the surrounding complex-
XVIIth century. The height of the tomb is 12 m, the height of cupola-2,7
m, with diameter 4,4 m.
The cupola is covered with blue tile (Goy
Imam Blue Imam). As in Barda Imamzadeh and Nakhichevan Imamzadeh,
no altar is built in the Imamzadeh tomb . There is a similarity in
architectonic styles between Imamzadeh tomb,Barda tomb and Akhsadanbaba